1 Oct 2022
The Persita Tangerang squad returned to the Indomilk Arena on Wednesday (21/9) after having a short break between the international calendar.
Persita Tangerang is an Indonesian professional football club based in Tangerang. Having a fanbase of more than 10,000, they have collaborated with Emerce to make an engaging site for their fans to interact and discover insider info on their favourite team!
The Persita Tangerang squad returned to the Indomilk Arena on Wednesday (21/9) after having a short break between the international calendar.
After winning against PSIS Semarang on September 14, Pendekar Cisadane took advantage of a few days' pause to gather with their beloved family.
Persita, also known as Persatuan Sepakbola Indonesia Tangerang, was first formed in the city of Tangerang. It became an official club in 1953 after being recognised as a member of the Football Association of Indonesia. Their nicknames are Pendekar Cisadane (Cisadane Knight) and Ayam Wareng (The Fierce Rooster).
At the current rankings, Pendekar Cisadane is at 6th place after playing 10 games in the season in Liga 1.
Did you know Persita Tangerang have their very own reactions and talk shows on their fanzone powered by Emerce?
Catch exclusive live streams and posts directly from the team, only on https://fanzone.persitafc.com/